We help some of the largest and most ambitious financial institutions, banks, mortgage providers, and pension funds to make financial decisions. Below you will find examples of how some of our customers use and benefit from our products and services.

GF Forsikring

We work with several different asset managers, who each use their own data. So, it is important for us that we can use data from Vitec Scanrate as an independent provider of data in monitoring both the asset managers and the total investment portfolio.View case story

Olav de Linde

We have gained a complete digital overview of our financing. This is a significant administrative relief, but it also opens up entirely new possibilities for calculating alternatives and demonstrating the consequences of different scenarios.View case story In Danish

Spar Nord

The system is an indispensable tool as it provides a simple and accessible user interface that we can utilize in our advisory services.View case story in Danish

Velliv, Pension- and Life Insurance

We had ambitious plans to build a Solvency II engine that would run on an extensive number of interest rate shocks for both parallel interest rate shocks and selected key rates […] Here, Scanrate proved to be able to deliver to full satisfaction.”View case story


The flexibility of RIO is extremely valuable to us. We're able to adjust all parameters of the models and thereby analyze exactly what we need.View case story